About Us

About Us


We are an association to uplift the professional social work community across the state and in-country.

We are an association to justice the society by performing need-based and highly result-oriented interventions with the army of professional social workers within the state and in the country.

We feel the responsibility, we act with unity, we take care of the society, We promote dignity and we called as APSA - Andhra Pradesh Professional Social Work Association.

APSA promotes the quality and effectiveness of social work practices in Andhra Pradesh.


APSA is a common platform for all professional Social Workers in Andhra Pradesh.

APSA works closely with the agencies which aim will be instrumental or incidental in promoting the aims and objectives of the society.

APSA implements all the activities to achieve global indicators at the state and country level, including SDGs, Sendai Frame Work of DRR, Paris Agreement, and all the UN agencies recommendations for the well-being of Ecosystem, Environment, and Human Kind.

The main objectives of APSA

  1. To promote the profession of social work across the State/country/ abroad with the aim of improving the quality of service in the social welfare and social development sectors.
  2. To enhance the public, professional recognition and identity of social work
  3. To act as a State/national level organization to represent social work professionals and profession at national and international level.
  4. To improve the quality of social work education training and practice in the State, country, abroad and promote such activities as are conductive to social work profession and social work professionals.
  5. To accredit social work courses at institutions, the completion of which satisfy the education standards necessary for admission as a member of the Association, and to periodically re-examine the content of such courses before determining whether to re-accredit them.
  6. To undertake, organise and facilitate academic and professional interaction through studies, courses, training courses, diploma/ certificate programmes, skill development programmes, conferences, conclaves, seminars, workshops, lectures and research in matters relating to social work profession and professionals which will be a platform for professional learning and lifelong learning.
  7. To develop code of conduct for professional social workers in the field of education, research, action and practice aimed at enhancing the status of social work profession and performance of the professionals.
  8. To work for better working conditions and conditions for work of social work professionals in general in India and elsewhere.
  9. To co-operate and collaborate with any such organizations/institutions/ industries at regional/state/national or international level having similar objectives
  10. To work for protection and promotion of the rights and interests of the members at different levels and initiate measures aimed at providing scholarships, awards, recognitions and improving working conditions and conditions for work professionals.